현지해설을 듣다가, 잘 안들리거나 들려도 무슨 말인지 모르겠는 표현들 정리. 혹은 그냥 멋진 코멘터리도 적어놓았고 느낌표로 표시해놨다.
* 룰: 오늘 모른 단어를 내일까지 모른 채로 있지 않기. 그날그날 해결하고 넘어가기
- pep in: pep (생기, 활력, energy, high spirits and liveness)
- dowtin: 알고보니 토론토 랩터스 선수 이름
- no dice 1. no used in refusing a request 2.no success, luck, etc.
- 0.5=point five (offense?) : For Scottie Barnes, this new Toronto Raptors “0.5 offense” is really quite simple. The less-is-more approach that head coach Darko Rajaković discussed on Media Day has so far been exciting for the team. The goal is quicker decisions, more ball movement, and less stagnant dribbling
Playing . 5 basketball means that within a half second of catching the basketball, you are either shooting it, driving it or moving the ball to the next player. This concept is used to prevent the ball from sticking on the offensive end. 한마디로 빠르게 패스 돌리고, 빠르게 슈팅하거나 빠르게 드리블 하는 빠른 의사결정 농구!
- nominal railey: nominal 명목상의, 이름뿐인(아주 얼마 안되는), railey는 뜻이 확실치 않다. 첫사랑의 그녀라고도 나오는데, 나중에 한번더 등장하면 그때 확실히 찾아보는걸로.
- daigneault: OKC의 감독 이름
- get shot off!
- he is on fire!
- 신경 쓰이는 존재: nuisance(발음은 뉴-슨스)
- no I didn’t either!
- go rip through: 찾아보니 rip-through의 영상이 저마다 달랐다. 우선 단어의 뜻을 알고나니 이해가 됐다.
rip-through: to move very powerfully through a place or building, destroying it quickly: 그러니 저마다 세부 동작은 달라도 코비의 립쓰루도, 듀란트의 립쓰루도 모두 립쓰루라고 부를 수 있는거다.
- it is actually like a layup!
- rattle (home a three): make or cause to make a rapid successionof short, sharp knocking sounds 다그닥 다그닥 소리처럼.
- that was gonna be a play of the year!
- get out of my way!
- back in a day(Kevin Mchale)! Back in the day, we had an apartmentwith a swimming pool.
- make right read: 별뜻 없는건가? 혹은 read를 잘못 들었나. 다음에 등장하면 그때 다시!
- heck (of play): emphasize how big something is or how much of it there is(surprised and frustrated) 한국말로 치면 미친, 겁나, 이런 표현들 같다. 이런건 긍/부정 모두 쓰이이니 유연하게 생각하기.
- crash the board(glass): the gathering of an offensive or defensive rebound by one particular player after another player in possession of the basketball took a shot that did not go into the basket ring.
The term “boards” is in reference to the backboard and “crashing” refers to moving aggressively and quickly to rebound the ball. 쉽게 말해, '리바운드'의 관용적 표현인듯.
- 경기 결정 짓기 이르다: it is way too early to play out the game.
예문: (tr) to finish: let's play the game out if we aren't too late
- 민첩한: agile, nimble
- just in case: (혹시라도) 할 경우를 대비해서
예문: I guess we've already talked about this but I'll ask you again just in case
- off the mark: 슛이 빗나갔을 때
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